2. Always keep track of how many moons your team has left.
3. Try your best to center Epsilon on the platform you're currently on, he can reek havoc (cannon) on your team mates if you put him in a corner.
4. Don't be afraid, kill everything, gotta get that SS rank!
5. Fences on the sides are Ill Gills worst enemy! (They can still shoot the dark mist at you though, so be careful!)
6. Fences that are in front of you can stop Mericarol/Mericus/Merikle's (Flowers) projectiles!
7. Don't try to tank the Flower's megid, it will kill you even with 1000 EDK resistance!
8. Del Lilies can drain your HP to 1, as well as TP! (Becareful to not be caught using psycho wand!!
9.You can run around Pink Meriicarol and Blue Flower Merikle to dodge their shots, don't try this with the Yellow Flower Mericus!!
10. Positioning is prime!
11. Keeping track of Photon Blast (PB) amount and asking team mates before progressing to next floor!
12. You can chain 2 of the same PB in a chain as long as they are not chained next to each other, each PB gets a number for when they chained, ex. 1, 2, 3 ,4. If you use the same PB as long as there was a PB to separate the gap ex. (1, 3) (2, 4) (1, 4) you will still chain and get the same bonuses.